наивный слэшер ^^ (c) Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after (c)
The hardest thing to do as an actor is to act without dialogue and Sebastian Stan did such an incredible job with this character, give him so much life and complexity and texture without a lot of dialogue. — Anthony Russo
He conveyed incredible menace just through movement for a good 60 minutes in the movie. And that is the hardest job in acting. It’s always very difficult to convey emotion without speaking. — Joe Russo
наивный слэшер ^^ (c) Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after (c)
Я не видела это интервью Криса, но Себастьяна видела. И это была игра в ассоциации. И на слово "супергерой" Себастьян выдал не Капитан Америка. Не Стив Роджерс. А Крис Эванс
- I know you did
The hardest thing to do as an actor is to act without dialogue and Sebastian Stan did such an incredible job with this character, give him so much life and complexity and texture without a lot of dialogue. — Anthony Russo
He conveyed incredible menace just through movement for a good 60 minutes in the movie. And that is the hardest job in acting. It’s always very difficult to convey emotion without speaking. — Joe Russo
— Captain America: The Winter Soldier